Trashy horror movie ahead! In this third installment of the Camp Blood series, a group of contestants are put in a reali...
Blaxploitation trashy movie warning! Sugar State Women's Prison - where innocent girls are forced to slave in the swamps...
Trashy exploitation movie warning! Victims of a Nazi death camp rise from their graves to take their revenge. Homeage to...
Mick, an unemployed cowboy, seeks answers at the bottom of a beer bottle, until he meets Arcy, a young art student. As t...
When wanted fugitive Prescott Roeh is caught up with by Bounty Hunters, Brock Hadley and Rahul Quadim, he retreats to hi...
Amid kidnappings, shootouts, and romance, Dave’s crew targets a man from his past, Kincaid. When plans fail, outsider Ro...
The Familiar is a terrifying story of spiritual manipulation in the life of a lonely gunsmith named Sam. Through his est...
Writer/Director Danny Draven takes the helm for this supernaturally driven shocker about an unassuming housekeeper drawn...
Trashy movie warning! 6 teenagers go traveling in the woods, to have a crazy private party. They don't know they are fol...
A group of college students regret their decision to sneak into the cellar of a haunted asylum on Halloween. One by one ...
Cassidy is a senior at a NYC college and he's trying to balance the demands of school, his role as big brother to Jessic...
An unseen force preys upon a small farming community, emerging from a barren stretch of land on a young couple’s propert...